Tips for Dry Skin

If you’re looking for effective, organic skincare products for dry skin, you’ve come to the right place! California Pure Naturals is proud to offer a large selection of some of the most potent and natural beauty products.
Take Care in the Shower
You may be surprised to hear that taking a shower can actually make dry skin worse! While the act of taking a shower won’t exactly cause dry skin to worsen, washing yourself improperly can be harmful. By taking the right steps during a shower, you can prevent more skin damage. We suggest limiting your shower to five-to-ten minutes and make sure the water isn’t too hot. Use a gentle cleanser, making sure not to over-apply it and when washing yourself off, pat yourself softly with a towel. Don’t use any abrasive brushes, sponges, or washcloths that could potentially damage your skin.
Apply Moisturizer After Washing
Moisturizing lotion works by trapping existing moisture inside your skin. Because of this, it’s best to apply moisturizer right after you take a shower as well as when you just wash your face or hands. We recommend doing so within a few minutes of either activity.
Take Advantage of Calendula Benefits
Calendula is a marigold that contains oil that’s occasionally used to make medicine and known as a treatment for dry skin. Calendula oil helps treat dry skin and many also use it to help with other skin problems, such as acne and rashes. Here at California Pure Naturals, we offer a selection of calendula products for those who are interested in attaining calendula benefits.
Shop at California Pure Naturals for Your Skincare Products!
If you have any questions about our dry skin tips or the benefits of any of our products, please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know. We’ll be more than happy to help you however we can! If you’re interested in purchasing any skincare products, feel free to browse through our online shop and see what we have to offer. We hope to hear from you soon, and can’t wait to see how you tackle dry skin.