Beauty Blog For Natural Skin Care
We all know that sun protection is vital to healthy skin, and that goes double for newborns and babies. But how frequently should you be using baby sunscreen: is it something that's only needed in the summer? Or should it be used more often?
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Your skin matters. It's the essence of how you appear in the world, and the health of your skin not only affects the health of your body but your mental health as well. Unfortunately, many of the products on the market today are loaded it up with petrochemicals, harsh acids, heavy metals, and other harmful chemicals.
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We all have that moment when we realize that we should be taking better care of our facial skin. It doesn't matter if you’re a woman or a man, the fact is that at a certain age, our baby smooth skin begins to need help to preserve that natural youthful glow. Diet, water, and sleep are all environmental factors that affect our skin, so what’s the purpose of facial oils?
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Everybody’s body produces oils through their sweat glands at different rates depending on environmental factors such as the weather, temperature fluctuations, and internal factors such as diet, genetics, exercise, water consumption, etc. Because of this there is not a one-size-fits-all type of body lotion—enter California Pure Naturals suite of natural organic moisturizers.
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We’re sure you’ve heard the phrase “Beauty is pain.” While perhaps our mothers and grandmothers had to select beauty routines from whatever was available at the time, the beauty industry has gone through so many advances throughout the years that we don’t have to elect to go through the painful or bizarre procedures that they may have. In fact, we can go ahead and skip the beauty parlor or spa and have our own safe and effective treatments done at home.
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