Beauty Blog For Natural Skin Care

During the summer months in certain climates, the weather can become downright damp. When this happens, skin can sweat more and also produce excess sebum, all of which may lead to more bacteria and other debris clinging to the skin...
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You probably see grapes all the time at the supermarket or in bunches in your refrigerator, but did you know that grapes are a super ingredient that offers amazing benefits when used in skincare products? These plump, juicy vine fruits...
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Sunscreen is a game changer for skin during the summer months, but it can also take a toll. See why California Pure Naturals products work well with sunscreen and learn how to choose the right ones for your skin type and SPF preference.

Now that we’re truly into the summer season, what’s not to love! This is the time of year to spend outside with your friends and loved ones enjoying the warm air and long, lazy evenings. You’ll probably be spending more time out adventuring and less inside your home or office. Unfortunately that may mean changes for your skin.
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From skincare essentials and value sets to must-haves for shining, healthy hair, these are some of the top products our fans keep coming back for again and again. Skincare Singles: These skincare favorites all feature our proprietary Blackberry Antioxidant Complex...
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